National Cancer Institute   U.S. National Institutes of Heath
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Cooperative Implementation Grant (U54) for Cancer Disparities Research Partnership (CDRP) Program  (2009 – 2013)

The National Cancer Institute’s Cooperative Implementation Grant (U54) for Cancer Disparities Research Partnership (CDRP) Program was reissued by the Radiation Research Program to extend the CDRP program into its second and final implementation stage.  The prior pilot U56 program (see below) had built the necessary clinical research infrastructure to support the development of partnerships between awardees and their associated mentor cancer centers such that all grantee institutions are actively involved in accrual of their minority/underserved patient populations into NCI-sponsored cancer clinical trials.  The transition to the U54 status is to enable the CDRP sites to maximize the access, accrual and participation of their targeted minority/underserved populations into NCI-sponsored clinical trials in cancer control, prevention and treatment.  This program’s efforts are a new model to reduce the negative consequences of cancer disparities seen in certain U.S. populations.  The use of the Telesynergy® telemedicine system ( at each CDRP site and its primary mentor continues to be an important component of a successive CDRP program in facilitating development of disparity appropriate clinical trials.  Additionally, implementation of a patient navigation program ( is a critical component to address a variety of barriers that minority/underserved populations traditionally have in accessing health and cancer care and participation in NCI cancer clinical trials.

CDRP Objectives and Scope (U54)

  1. Establish and implement tracking mechanisms to determine screening, eligibility and accrual rates for all cancer and disparity patients receiving services at CDRP sites.
  2. Acquire specific information to identify causes of clinical trial ineligibility and non-accrual to trials.
  3. Develop strategies and approaches to address ineligibility and accrual barriers for their targeted populations.
  4. Increase accrual of the targeted populations to NCI-sponsored cancer clinical trials including, but not limited to: (a) prevention trials sponsored by the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP); (b) symptom management and treatment trials sponsored by NCI’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP); (c) CDRP investigator-initiated clinical trials appropriate for disparity populations; and (d) research collaborators’ institutional clinical trials.
  5. Refine/modify the current clinical research infrastructure as necessary to certify that the CDRP awardee institution will qualify to submit a competitive application for funding as a Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) or a Minority-Based CCOP (MB-CCOP) at the end of the second funding period.
  6. Disseminate the experience gained and approaches used to build the CDRP infrastructure and program to the public, targeting particularly other disparities investigators; to maximize gains to others, this dissemination goal should include sharing both successful and unsuccessful efforts; plans for information dissemination should include publication and presentation of findings and results of ongoing U56/U54 grant activities on various aspects, e.g., community outreach, patient navigation, barriers to recruitment and enrollment, etc.
  7. Assume advocacy and leadership roles to assist disparities populations in the U.S. become involved in NCI-supported cancer prevention, screening, treatment and other trials.


Cooperative Planning Grant for Cancer Disparities Research Partnership Program (CDRP) (U56)

The National Cancer Institute's Cooperative Planning Grant for Cancer Disparities (CDRP) Research Partnership Program issued by the Radiation Research Program is an effort to strengthen the national cancer program by developing models to reduce significant negative consequences of cancer disparities seen in certain U.S. populations. The Program supports the planning, development, and conduct of radiation oncology clinical trials in institutions that care for a disproportionate number of medically underserved, low-income, ethnic and minority populations but have not been traditionally involved in NCI-sponsored research. In addition, CDRP supports the planning, development, and implementation of nurturing partnerships between applicant institutions and committed and experienced institutions actively involved in NCI-sponsored cancer research. To augment the partnership aspect of the CDRP grant, the Program includes the establishment of a compatible telemedicine system at each CDRP institution and their primary partner. Furthermore, the CDRP grant contains support for a sub-program called the Patient Navigator Program; funded by the center to reduce cancer disparities.

CDRP Objectives and Scope

  1. Build and stabilize independent and collaborative clinical research capabilities of institutions providing radiation oncology care to populations experiencing the negative consequences of cancer-related health disparities.
  2. Increase the number of clinical scientists engaged in radiation oncology research by providing access to and participation in clinical trials with the target populations.
  3. Improve the effectiveness of the applicant institution and its partner institution in developing and sustaining activities focused on radiation oncology clinical research trials and mortality and morbidity in cancer among the target populations, continuing past the life of the this grant.
  4. Establish priorities for and initiate stable, long-term collaborations and partnerships that will strengthen competitive cancer research, research training and career developments, education and outreach capabilities at both the applicant institution and the partner institution that address problems and issues relevant to the disproportionate cancer incidence and mortality.