National Cancer Institute
9609 Medical Center Dr., MSC 9727
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For Express and Courier: Rockville, MD 20850
Dr. J. Manuel Perez is a Program Director in the Radiation Research Program, of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). He received his PhD in Biochemistry at Boston University and a post-doctoral training at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Before joining NCI, Dr Perez was tenured professor at the University of Central Florida (2005-2015) and Cedar Sinai Medical Center (2015-2021). Dr Perez has over 20 years of academic experience in the fields of bio-organic chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, peptide chemistry, bioconjugation and molecular imaging. His research interest included the development of molecular imaging and therapeutic agents, antioxidant nanoagents, nanosensors, and intraoperative procedures to image and treat cancer. His work was supported by multiple NIH (K01 and R01s) and industry-sponsored grants. He joined the NCI in 2021 and is currently managing projects in areas related to radiopharmaceuticals, radiosensitizers, chemoradiotherapy, targeted radiotherapy, image guided radiation therapy, and nanotechnology among others.