Organizational Structure
The Radiation Research Program (RRP) is divided into two highly collaboratively interactive branches:
- Clinical Radiation Oncology Branch (CROB)
- Radiotherapy Development Branch (RDB)
Interest Groups
- RRP staff manage and facilitate networking through topical and disease-site specific interest groups.
The primary responsibility of the RRP is to the grantees and contractors of the NCI and NIH. In 2019, RRP staff managed a portfolio of 162 awarded grants, the bulk of which being through the R01 and R21 mechanisms. The RDB's primary focus is in radiation biology, cancer modeling, and pre-clinical research; while the CROB manages clinical and translational research in radiation oncology. Collectively, RRP staff are active in both the technical and physical aspects of radiation research with a substantial effort is devoted to supporting NCI, NIH, DHHS and government-wide activities such as technology development and assessment and comparative effectiveness research.
In addition to grant portfolio management, RRP program staff members share collective expertise in advising prospective applicants on the grants process and proposal development. RRP staff assist the broader NIH community as consultants and collaborators on radiation research-related issues with program staff in NIAID, NIBIB, NCATS, and NIA. RRP staff also serve as referees on manuscripts, and review for grants and contracts submitted to the Department of Defense, and coordinate joint activities with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy.
Topical areas and lead contact information are listed in the organization chart below.